Our blessed mother constantly intercedes for us

On this Second Sunday in Ordinary Time, we hear the familiar Gospel account of the Wedding at Cana, where Jesus performs His first public miracle by turning water into wine. This event marks the beginning of His public ministry and reveals His divine power and compassion.

The scene is a joyous wedding feast in the small town of Cana with friends, family and community. However, a problem arises; the wine has run out. In the context of Jewish culture, this could bring so much shame and dishonor to the hosts. Unfortunately, the hosts are yet to notice their impending crisis and embarrassment.

Mary, the mother of Jesus, notices the situation and intercedes on behalf of the hosts, without being asked. Mary approaches Jesus and simply states, "They have no wine." She trusts in Jesus’ ability to address the problem, and so she confidently instructs the servants, "Do whatever he tells you." Mary’s faith and her willingness to intercede on our behalf is a powerful example for us. She brings our needs to Jesus with confidence and leaves the outcome in His hands.

Although Jesus initially responds, "My hour has not yet come," He ultimately responds to His mother’s requests. Jesus instructs the servants to fill six stone jars with water, and then miraculously transforms the water into wine. This act reveals Jesus’ divine authority and His readiness to bring about transformation and abundance in our lives.

The transformation of water into wine carries deep symbolic meaning. Jesus has come that we may have life and have it in abundance. The abundance and quality of the wine signify the generosity and goodness of God’s kingdom.

If Jesus could change ordinary water into a highquality wine, He can as well transform our ordinary lives into an extraordinary life of great quality. God knows our weaknesses and needs; He sees our crisis and embarrassment even before it occurs. If only we would invite Him to our party, to our personal lives and families, trusting in His providence. In His presence, everything turns for good.

Our Mother Mary is constantly interceding for us, as our advocate. With her maternal instincts, she sees through our soul. She envisages our needs and requests the necessary graces for us. May we cherish her company in our spiritual journey, knowing that she has the right ears of her Son, Jesus.

God is Good, All the Time!

Father Tony Udoh MSP, Pastor of Holy Family