The light of Christ dispels every darkness

Today we celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord: the manifestation of Christ to the world. Today’s Feast commemorates the visit of the Magi to the baby Jesus. The three Magi saw the signs in the skies, they travelled a long distance from the East following the star that led them to the new born king. When they met Him, they prostrated themselves and paid him homage. They offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Gold symbolizes his kingship, frankincense symbolizes his priesthood, and myrrh signifies his death.

Jesus is manifested as the Light of the world. Our first reading today from prophet Isaiah calls us to rise up in splendor: “Your light has come, the glory of the Lord shines upon you. See, darkness covers the earth, and thick clouds cover the people; but upon you the Lord shines and over you appears his glory”. Christ is the light that dispels of darkness of fear and hatred, pain and desperation. His light brings life and joy, peace and hope.

The star led the Magi to the Eternal Light, Christ. As long as they followed the star, they were in the right direction. But when they chose to follow their instincts, thinking a king should be born in a palace, they got into the darkness of Herod’s house.

Herod represents the darkness of hatred and envy. He wanted to destroy the new born king. Who or what is Herod for you? Is there a person, a situation, some worldly ambition, some sinful habits or addictions in your life that is leading you away from finding Christ?

While the Magi were with Herod, the star disappeared. But once they left that situation, the Bible tells us “And behold, the star that they had seen at it rising preceded them, until it came and stopped over the place where the child was.” Walking away from certain persons or circumstances enables us to see the star and encounter the eternal light of Christ.

And when we have encountered the eternal light, Christ Jesus, we became little stars, lighting up the world of others. Many people around us, family members and friends, coworkers and neighbors, live in the darkness of pain and loneliness, sinfulness and addictions, doubt and fear. Each one of us can be like the star that guided the Magi: a steady witness to Christ, a gentle, but clear and attractive ambassador of Christ. The greatest gift that we can offer Jesus, and our loved ones this season is the Light of Christ.

God is Good, All the Time!

Father Tony Udoh, MSP Pastor of Holy Family